Tomorrow Girls #1
Author: Eva Gray
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*
Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 240 pages
Publisher: Scholastic Paperbacks (May 1, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0545317010
ISBN-13: 978-0545317016
In a terrifying future world, four girls must depend on each other if they want to survive.
Louisa is nervous about being sent away to a boarding school — but she’s excited, too. And she has her best friend, Maddie, to keep her company. The girls have to pretend to be twin sisters, which Louisa thinks just adds to the adventure!
Country Manor School isn’t all excitement, though. Louisa isn’t sure how she feels about her new roommates: athletic but snobby Rosie and everything’s-a-conspiracy Evelyn. Even Maddie seems different away from home, quiet and worried all the time.
Still, Louisa loves CMS — the survival skills classes, the fresh air. She doesn’t even miss not having a TV, or the internet, or any contact with home. It’s for their own safety, after all.
Or is it?
With all of the hype surrounding dystopia themed books lately, it is no surprise that the younger teen books are jumping in on the trend. In the tween book Behind the Gates by Eva Gray, we get to peek into the future of how schooling for our children could be if wars have destroyed our country.
At first, I couldn’t really get into this book. While it had all of the elements that have sucked me into the dystopia world, I couldn’t seem to make a connection with the characters. For me, there is a fine line between the way younger teens act and the way authors portray them. Yet as the story continued on, I started getting interested in the mystery of the school. I was intrigued about how they were treated within the walls of Country Manor and who could be on the bad side of the group.
While the story wasn’t as great as I wanted it, the ending did bring out my curiosity for the next book in the series. I would recommend this book for the younger crowd who have not yet ventured into the books such as Hunger Games.

Okay book, but it left me wanting more! 3 STARS
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