DELICIOUS (The Buchanan’s: Book 1)
Author: Susan Mallery
Source: Contest Win
- Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
- Publisher: HQN Books (February 1, 2006)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0373770561
- ISBN-13: 978-0373770564
Cal Buchanan needs a top-flight chef to take over his failing Seattle restaurant, The Waterfront. He can afford to hire the best in town-the only problem is that the best happens to be his ex-wife, Penny Jackson.Penny really needs this opportunity, but she doesn’t need the distraction of working with her ex. She’s sworn off romance-she’s even having a baby on her own. But before she knows it, the heat is on and the attraction between her and Cal moves from a low simmer to a full boil!The rest should be easy as pie, but a secret from Cal’s past could spoil everything. Maybe it’s true that too many cooks spoil the broth-or maybe two is enough to make it irresistible.
I can’t help it. I am so in love with this authors writing style and her true romantic plots. To me, this author has perfected the art of writing romance novels. The characters are smart, wonderful and interesting. The plot always flows nicely and at the right pace.
In this book, the main characters get a second chance at making love work. Even with Penny being pregnant, Cal still loves her. They start out working together and it blossoms into love all over again. Each one has some things to work through individually, but they find working together makes it easier. I also love how the author introduced the rest of the family that will be in future books of this series. After reading this one, you will be anxious to read what will happen with each Buchanan involved. Even though you will hate their Grandmother Gloria, you will still want to see what the old bat will do in the following books. Maybe she will get what is coming to her in those as well.
Overall a wonderful and romantic book with witty humor and brilliant characters that will keep you warm at night and hungry for even more of this food family business!

Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf
For Rereading!
Cleverly Inked
I love certain authors whose writting just hits home
I’ve got this in my TBR pile! I stormed through the Bakery Sisters trilogy and ran out to grab whatever I could of Susan Mallery! Something with her storys and writing just ‘clicked’ – I’m really looking forward to reading this and her other books!
Thanks for sharing your review!
It’s a fun series. I think I still need to read the final one. Nice review!
Sounds like an interesting start to the series. Adding to my reading list! I have never read Susan Mallery. I am always looking to discover authors I haven’t read before 🙂
Is this part of the Sweet Sisters books? I read the first one but didn’t like any of the sisters very much so I haven’t read any further. I also have her first Lone Star books to read so I’m hoping I’ll like that a bit better.
Thank you so much for the lovely review! I’m glad you enjoyed DELICIOUS. The Buchanan family has been very popular with my readers, so I was thrilled when HQN Books decided to reprint the series.
Less than a month now until my new Fool’s Gold series begins with Chasing Perfect (out on April 27). I hope you like it just as much!