Author: S. A. Price
ISBN: 978-1-607667-077-3
Genre: Erotic/Paranormal Romance
Release Date: January 19th 2010
* This was an ARC (uncorrected proof) submitted to me from the author. I received it free in exchange for an honest review*
Thirty females of the Ophidian race have gone missing, most from the transient nest of Las Vegas, a rogue and unofficial nest run by the Saint, John Merrick. Believed to be dead by every Archon in the states, Merrick leads a quiet and unassuming life, saving those of his race that are lost and need it most. It’s a solitary existence, one that he hates every day. He yearns for his mate, the woman he left over a decade before, and the woman who thinks him dead to this day.
When Elise Rizdon gets the official invitation to the Archon meeting in Ohio by the leader of a new Midwestern nest, she never expected to see the love of her life at the woman’s side, a man she was told was dead and buried. She lost him once upon a time, and she never fully recovered. Focusing on the issues, and not the man that has always made her body burn is not going to be easy. A disturbing event is on the horizon, one that threatens all Ophidian’s and their way of life. In order to survive they will have to work together, give up old grudges and take chances on the things that matter most. Love, life and the continuation of their race.
When the author contacted me to review this book, I thought I would give it a go. I was getting tired of the same old vampire, werewolf, fallen angel paranromal books. They seemed to all be the same. I was surprised to see a new paranormal aspect dealing with snakes! WOW! This book had it all! Suspense, love, action, and yes paranormal snakes! I loved how we could see the story from different character points of view as well. So many times we are left with wondering what the other was thinking and going through. The author did a fantastic job of introducing us to a new paranormal subject that will leave you with a hunger to bite into her next story! The author has shedded the old skin of old paranormal and come out with a majestic world of a new realm of possiblilities!

Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf
For Rereading!
Stella Price
Thank you SO much Amy for the amazing review! Im so glad you enjoyed the book and the snakes didnt skeeve you out!
You made my day!
SNAKES! I love snakes (yes, I’m odd). Now I’m super curious. *adds to wish list* That’s a gorgeous and very well-fed boa on the cover too (told you I’m odd!).
Fabulous review. 🙂
Jessica W. (Book Bound)
I received this ARC as well. Can’t wait to read it, especially now that I have read your review!
ohh snakes! I love snakes since it’s my zodiac sign (by year only though) =D
paranormal snakes sound incredibly awesome, thanks for the review!
Great review! I love Stella and Audra’s stuff, so I can’t wait to read this one!
Fiction Vixen
Great review! I think the author is to be commended for take a taking a chance and going with something a little different. 🙂
Stella Price
LOL there is nothing wrong with loving snakes! Audra, before she got preggers had 10, and now she has 1 (hes a little special, like short bus special) but we LOVE snakes and their sensuality. If your interested in this book, and like your work a little more naughty then this book is, try our Knossos West Weresnakes series at Total E Bound under our normal name Stella and Audra Price. Its three novella’s that feature the three bachelors of Elise’s nest: Remy Crane, Reece Evans and Andy Durrell. It might tide you over till January, LOL.
Razlover's Book Blog
Great review and I love the cover!
Definately a book I would love to read!
Stella Price
Thanks everyone! Especially on the comments for the cover. I did it myself (in my other life I’m a graphic artist)along with the rest of our covers.
So glad everyone is supportive as well. I hope you all decide to read it!