The Samantha Granger Experiment
Author: Kari Lee Townsend
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge
in exchange for an honest review*
Reading level: Ages 9-12
Paperback: 208 pages
Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky; Original edition (November 1, 2010)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1402240422
ISBN-13: 978-1402240423
After Sam is fused with her cell phone, she’s ready to conquer the world! Or at least the 8th grade…
When Samantha Granger touches a meteor while talking on her cell phone, her life is changed forever: her body now has all the capabilities of her phone (GPS, phone, text, camera). She secretly calls herself a “Digital Diva” as she rushes to answer emergency calls. But will her identity be discovered when sparks fly (literally!) between her and Trevor, her dreamy crush? Samantha has to get a handle on her abilities and quick, because when Sam gets kidnapped and the entire town is in danger, she is the only one who can save them.
Isn’t that cover adorable? I thought it was cute and it gave me a sense of what the tone of the book would be like. Samantha becomes “fused” with her cell phone and becomes a teen super hero.
While I enjoyed this book, I won’t go as far to say it was a favorite of mine. It was cute and had some funny parts through out the story, but it wasn’t a memorable read that I will remember next year. While the story was more focused for the younger teen generation, it was still a quick and cute read. It is a bit predictable, but it just adds to the fun of the book. You know what is going to come up next, but you still find yourself reading the entire book.
Great for the younger teens, although some of the older teens and adults should enjoy it as well. Fun, easy going, and cute is my description of the book. Not a favorite of mine, but still recommended for teens looking for a quick and nicely paced read.

Okay book, but it left me wanting more! 3 STARS
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