Interview & Giveaway with Author Mary Wine

July 6, 2010 Uncategorized 41

Today on My Overstuffed Bookshelf, I have the pleasure of introducing you to author Mary Wine.  She has a wonderful book titled To Conquer A Highlander and agreed to do an interview for the blog!  My review will be posted tomorrow of the book, but today we can have some fun with an interview and giveaway! Let’s get started!

  1. To start off, welcome and can you tell the readers a little about yourself?
    I’m an insane…oh…hum…I’m an active mother and wife. I met my husband at a renaissance fair…yes, I married a knight in shinning armor and I get to polish it often! Writing has been a passion of mine for years and there are days I feel like I just can’t write fast enough to get the stories out of my head. So… .I guess that means that I am living in my fantasies! 
  1. Can you tell us a little about your upcoming or latest release?
    To Conquer a Highlander was an amazing journey for me. I first imagined Torin while reading history on the assignation of James the first of Scotland. This hero was so vivid, not to mention determined to hound me until I sat down and began to write out where he lived. The story came out of the time that he living in, the challenges and responsibilities of his station as laird of a highland clan. He needed a woman that could be his partner and Shannon was defiantly that. 
  1. I am a fly on your wall.  What would I report back to my master of the daily grind of Mary?
    She needs more hours because the “to do” list is a mile long! I’m also a real push over as far as the parrot goes, he runs the house and I’m often heard pleading with him to let me finish my chapter. 
  1. When you are not writing, what kind of books do you like to read? Do you have any favorite authors that are must reads?
    I love an author that can make me laugh. Karen Roberts makes me giggle. I also love really steamy novels like Sylvia Day or Lucy Monroe write. My other love is fantasy. 
  1. What are 3 things that are “must haves” for you when you sit down to write a new book?
    The internet to research maps, names and history of the place I’m setting my story. My “messy” book, that’s my husbands nick name for the binder that I begin writing all manner of little facts down about the story. By the end of the book, it’s a mess. A cup of iced tea. That’s my vice, I’ll admit it. 
  1. Do you have a blog or website that your readers can keep up with you and your books?  Twitter?
    I’m on Facebook and my website, 
Now for some fun stuff:
  1. What came first–the chicken or the egg?


    Obviously the Chicken because let’s face it….the mother does all the hard work when it comes to birth days. My kids should give me presents on their birthday…I’m sure of this. 
  1. Why doesn’t glue stick to the inside of the bottle?
    That would take up room that might be used for good wine and no living creature or inanimate object would want to interfere with a bottle being really full of wine. 
  1. If you choke a Smurf, what color do they turn?


    My mother would tell me to say I do not know, because choking a Smurf would be unkind….my tae kwon do master would tell me to sweep the ankle and drop them because it would be faster than choking but that would only be if they attacked me. 
  1. If Jimmy cracks corn and no one cares, why is there a song about him?


    His mother made up the song because she had to clean up the mess and mothers never forget nor do they allow their youngsters to escape being reminded that they never forget. 
    • Favorite perfume: Sandalwood oil.
    • Favorite TV show: Top Gear
    • Favorite Movie: This list might need a glossary because there are so many.
    • Favorite Drink: Iced tea, I get into plenty of trouble sober.
    • Favorite Dessert: Cream Burley


Thanks for joining us on My Overstuffed Bookshelf!!


A fierce Highland laird ready to kill for king and country…
When Torin McLeren discovers his neighbor’s plot against his king, he takes their daughter as his prisoner, thereby stopping her father’s plot from going forward. But that leaves him with a woman under his roof whom he can’t ignore, and not just because she’s his enemy’s daughter… 
A woman who’s as much trouble as she is temptation…
Shannon McBoyd decides to use her captor to experience passion for the first time, and then to destroy him. But her plan goes awry because once she has lured Torin into her bed, she no longer wants to hurt the one man who seems to value and understand her…

Even if her father will kill him—and her—when he discovers what they’ve done… 

About the Author
Acclaimed author Mary Wine has written nearly twenty works of erotic fantasy, romantic suspense, and historical romance.  An avid history-buff and historical costumer, she and her family enjoy participating in historical reenactments.  Mary lives with her husband and two sons in Yorba Linda, California. For more information, please visit
Thanks to Sourcebooks, I have 2 copies of To Conquer A Highlander to giveaway!
1.  You must be a follower.
2.  You must live in the USA or Canada to enter. 
3. No PO Boxes.


1. Just leave your name and an email address for me to contact you if you win in the comments.
Contest will be open until July 11th, 2010. Winners will be announced on July 12th, 2010.
*Please note–the books will be sent from Sourcebooks directly to you*

41 Responses to “Interview & Giveaway with Author Mary Wine”

  1. Virginia C

    Hello, Mary & Amy! Mary, which is heavier and more difficult to move about in: your Renaissance ensemble or your husband’s suit of armor? I love your “wild and wooly” Highlander story line–you can’t beat a great Scot! Please enter my name in the drawing : )

    US Resident, GFC Follower, Subscriber

    gcwhiskas at aol dot com

  2. katsrus

    You are a new author to me. I love these kinds of books. Sounds like a wonderful read. Thank for the giveaway. I am a follower.
    Sue Brandes

  3. Bailey H.

    This book looks amazing! I am a follower so enter me, please! Thanks for the giveaway! =)

    angelgirl122193 (at) aol (dot) com

  4. linz

    That book sounds amazing. Great contest!

    I’m a follower.

  5. Anita Yancey

    Sounds like a wonderful book. I would really enjoy reading it. Please enter me. Thanks!

    I follow on GFC.


  6. Terrymac

    How lucky to marry a real-life knight in shinning armour! (Even if you have to polish it often!)
    Love the dress….so regal!
    I look forward to reading To Conquer a Highlander. Winning a copy would make reading it even more enjoyable!
    Thank you for hosting this giveaway.

    terrymac1a at hotmail dot com

  7. Armenia

    Very nice interview and yes, I too love that dress. Congratulations on your release.

    Please enter me. I am now following.

    armiefox at yahoo dot com

  8. Tara

    I follow your blog!!!!

    Taratagli at gmail dot com

    Also, I LOVE the author’s pic… how creative!

  9. Terrymac

    I follow your blog, and enjoy your interviews. Would love to be chosen one of your lucky winners for To Conquer A Highlander.

    thank you for hosting this giveaway.

    terrymac1a at hotmail dot com

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