Losing It
Author: Cora Carmack
Genre: Contemporary Romance
Source: Personal Purchase
ISBN: B009QAKUYG / E-Book Edition
(From Goodreads)
Bliss Edwards is about to graduate from college and still has hers. Sick of being the only virgin among her friends, she decides the best way to deal with the problem is to lose it as quickly and simply as possible– a one-night stand. But her plan turns out to be anything but simple when she freaks out and leaves a gorgeous guy alone and naked in her bed with an excuse that no one with half-a-brain would ever believe. And as if if that weren’t embarrassing enough, when she arrives for her first class of her last college semester, she recognizes her new theater professor. She’d left him naked in her bed about 8 hours earlier.
I will be honest is saying that I am having a hard time rating this book. I found the characters of Bliss and Garrick to be great, the writing flowed at a good pace, and the supporting cast of characters just as good. I think the only real problems I had was the summary doesn’t do the story justice and at times the author tried a little to hard to be funny.
The first part of the book felt forced because the author pushed the funny down the readers throat. Bliss and her sarcastic wit and comments started to get a little too much. Finally, once the story really starts moving and Garrick is introduced as more than a one night stand, it really started to take off. Garrick is one hot professor with a British accent to boot! I will even say that the cover image of him is pretty similar to what I had in my mind when reading about him. YUM! Bliss really does fall for him and you just know that the drama is going to unfold at some point. You can’t have a story without the drama.
While there were some great dramatic parts of the book though, the ending was not what I expected. The one thing the two were worried about the most — and one the reader thinks is going to happen — doesn’t even turn out to be the one thing that does happen. The ending was sort of a let down for me after all the build up. It was sweet and perfect for the couple, but I kept looking for more of a climatic story arc.
Even with all of those things that disappointed me in the story, I still found myself enjoying it. I am interested in the future writing of this author and of her hints of writing spin-off’s for the secondary characters of this book. Great for a debut author, but I am hoping she will choose to spread her wings a little more with the drama for the next one.

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