Author: Rachel Caine
Source: Library
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Mass Market Paperback: 256 pages
- Publisher: NAL Jam (October 2, 2007)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0451222385
- ISBN-13: 978-0451222381
Claire Danvers’s college town may be run by vampires but a truce between the living and the dead made things relatively safe. For a while. Now people are turning up dead, a psycho is stalking her, and an ancient bloodsucker has proposed private mentoring. To what end, Claire will find out. And it’s giving night school a whole new meaning.
This is the third book in the Morganville Series. It is for young adults, but adults will enjoy it as well. I know I did. In this book Claire becomes the apprentice to a very old vampire named Myrnin who is a great scholar and scientist. She is trying to find a cure for the vampires even though she is a human.
We still get our dose of the Glass House foursome and get to know some more of the previous people from the first two books. Even Claire’s parents make an appearance again. This series is just getting better and better! I do wish the relationship between Claire and Shane would move forward a bit more, but it is a young adult book. That is the only frustrating part about all of it. Another one of Rachel Caine’s books that I finished within 2 hours. I am so ready for the next one!

Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf
For Rereading!
Book Snob
Love, love, love the Morganville Vampire series!!
ck.twilighter (Chasity)
Wow, 5 flames!!! WhoOO hOooO…. TBR list for sure!!