Author: Holly Schindler
Source: Publisher
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*
Reading level: Young Adult
Paperback: 312 pages
Publisher: Flux (March 8, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0738722871
ISBN-13: 978-0738722870
Star basketball player Chelsea “Nitro” Keyes had the promise of a full ride to college—and everyone’s admiration back home. Then she took a horrible fall during senior year. Now a metal plate holds her together and she feels like a stranger in her own family.
That summer, Chelsea’s dad hires Clint, a nineteen-year-old ex-hockey player and “boot camp” trainer, to work with her at a northern Minnesota lake resort. As they grow close, Chelsea finds that Clint’s haunted by his own tragedy. Will their romance end up hurting them all over again—or finally heal their heartbreak?
After hearing so many wonderful reviews on this book, I just knew I had to give it a try! I am a sucker for sweet and romantic young adult books with a great balance of angst!
I was a little wary of the theme being focused on sports since I am not into that scene now or when I was in high school. I wasn’t the jock type in school and I certainly was not a fan of anything that included running! Yet, I found that the author made sure to balance out the obsession of sports with the teen angst that Chelsea suffers through as well. If you are not a sports fanatic, you can easily adapt this story to something else in your life. For me, it was book blogging. What if that was suddenly taken away from me and I had no access to books or sharing the love of literature with anymore? I would freak out and fall into a depression! Well, maybe not that extreme, but it would have been devastating like it was for Chelsea.
Clint lost his girlfriend to an automobile accident and he is not in a hurry to give his heart to anyone again. He doesn’t want to be put in that situation of losing someone else again. When Clint and Chelsea first meet, there is attraction, but both of them are not ready to jump into a relationship, especially since Chelsea has a boyfriend back home. This furthered the reading experience by creating a love triangle on top of the other plot.
I really liked how this book included the struggles that can be such a focus in teen lives. I liked the authors writing and the feel of the book. Each character had struggles to overcome and the author made it feel believable. If I was disappointed at anything, it would have to be that the story ended too soon! I wanted more of the story. Of course, when you read a good book, we always want more!
A great read that teaches you that you can overcome the obstacles in life that seem like the end of the world, but actually are little gifts in disguise!

Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf
For Rereading! 5 STARS
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