December 1, 2009 2 flames, Lynn Viehl 5

A Novel of the Darkyn #2
Author: Lynn Viehl

  • Mass Market Paperback: 304 pages
  • Publisher: Signet (October 4, 2005)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0451217055
  • ISBN-13: 978-0451217059


Night after night, Jema Shaw’s dreams have become a haven for Thierry Durand. But his nocturnal visits have placed her in danger and brought her between two ancient enemies: the Brethren and the Darkyn.


Frustrated. That is the only word that comes to mind when reading this book. This was suppose to be a book centered around Darkyn Thierry. I would give an estimate of about maybe 1/3 of it being about Thierry. The rest was about the priests (again), the Keller’s (again), and hardly any romance at all. I am starting to get the feeling that there is not going to be much romance in this series, and more of a dark series instead. The author seemed like she was trying to include many stories into one book. I don’t understand why she couldn’t just pick one or two plots and just stick with that. I felt like I was reading too many novels instead of just one.

On the other hand, I am still enjoying Alex in this book. I am loving her witty mouth and her Kiss-My-Ass attitude towards people that get on her bad side. I love it when author’s can capture the witty humor in storyline’s that you least expect it. So I will continue with the series, even if it is just to hear what comes out of Alex’s mouth next.


A Decent Read.
Has Some Drawbacks Though.

5 Responses to “PRIVATE DEMON by Lynn Viehl”

  1. Christine

    Did you know that book blogger J.Kaye has a reading challenge for this series going on? I recently decided to join it because I’ve had a bunch of these books on my TBR shelf for ages and should finally read them. It’s too bad this one was rather disappointing for you. Like you said, maybe the next ones will be better.

  2. Amy J - Book Addict

    Yeah Christine, that is the only reason I keep reading them..For the challenge..if there wasn’t a challenge I probably would have thrown them through the window already…lol

  3. Jenn (Books At Midnight)

    Uhh, priests… Doesn’t sound quite that exciting. Anyways, checked it out because the cover caught my eye, but I don’t think I’ll be reading this one anytime soon! Thanks for the review. 🙂

  4. Michelle G


    This is one of my favorite series. Every book has a certain ‘person’ as the lead – but it also incorporates people from previous books. The series is almost like one continuous story – moving from person to person. The Kellers are going to be in all of them – as are the ‘priests’.


  5. Erotic Horizon

    This series is definately not for you – There is no romance in any of them or not romance as we want it…

    It more about the good and evil thing and getting ahead of the game…

    I so agree with Michelle – the books themself each have a certian something about them..

    I am glad you like Alex -see is a key person through the series… What do you thing of John her brother..


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