Author: John Culbertson
Source: Author Submission
* I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*
- Paperback: 164 pages
- Publisher: Outskirts Press (March 22, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1432756192
- ISBN-13: 978-1432756192
Do you feel protected against attacks from negative psychic energy?
We live in an energy sensitive world and, like it or not, psychic stress is part of that world. This book gives you tools and tips on how to protect yourself from daily negativity.
In this beginners guide you’ll learn:
- How John has combined elements of Christianity with Paganism and New Age Philosophy
- About the aura and how it’s connected to energy attacks
- Practical ways to tell when and if the aura has holes in it
- How psychic & energy attacks occur and some terminology for different types of attack
- The importance of meditation and chakra work in psychic & energy protection
- A core protection idea that anyone can use anytime
- The importance of the right frame of mind in psychic self defense
- How to set and work toward goals
- Physical actions that themselves provide protection from psychic based attacks
- How to maintain or restore the integrity of the aura from attacks
- The importance of aromatherapy as a defense technique
- Visualization processes that defend against attacks
- The power prayer has on psychic self defense
- Three basic, but very effective magick methods of protection including easy candle magick
- How to protect other people and locations from negativity and energy draining attacks
- The practice of smudging
- Commonly asked questions dealing with psychic & energy defense
This book will help you to raise your energy awareness and to link your energy to positive energy vibrations so you can more easily accomplish what you want in life without being drained by all the negative energy in the world.
I have always been interested in the psychic and magical aspect of the world and life. I have been one of those curious people who have wanted to figure out tarot cards, prychic abilities, and learning more about people and their aura’s. So when I came across this book for review, my curiousity peaked again and I was instantly intrigued to see what this book was about.
Overall, this wasn’t a bad book. The only thing is, that if you have studied energies and psychic things before, it repeats alot of what you already know. It gives you hints on dealing with negative energy that leads to stress and turning it into postive energy. It also touches on subjects about diet, chakras, oils and incenses, cleansings and deep breathing techniques. Near the end of the book it even has a frequently asked questions section.

Perfect For Rainy Days From the Library!
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