Today I am excited to have Tierney’O Malley, author of Wicked Proposal, as my guest on my blog today! She was kind enough to do a Questions and Answer seesion with me so let’s welcome her to My Overstuffed Bookshelf! Let’s get started!
Can you tell us a little about your new and/or current releases?
Wicked Proposal is my latest book published by eXtasy Books. If you are a Kindle user, good news! Wicked Proposal is now available on Kindle! Imagine a hero who has to resort to doing something wicked just to be with the woman he loves and a heroine who nearly lost her life trying to show her courage and surrendering herself to the hero believing his intention. That’s the gist of this book. Lies, deceit, romance, hot sex, love. This book has it all! If you enjoyed reading To Trust a Wicked Man published by Cobblestone Press, you will surely enjoy this one.
When you’re not writing, what kind of books do you like to read? Do you have any favorite authors that are must-reads?
I write spicy hot contemporary romance. But here is the secret- I am addicted to historical romance. LOL. I am just so addicted to the glitter of ballrooms, dashing heroes, and the courtship. Although, I don’t write the genre, my contemporary stories contain the same elements. Yes, my characters aren’t wearing gowns and kid slippers or cravats and Hessian boots. Instead, they wear slim boot Levi jeans, shirt or sometimes non at all, but they are just the dashing modern her and heroines struggling with their inner conflicts, getting hot and heavy in dark places, falling in love, and finding their own happy ever after ending. Books by Gaelen Foley are a must read for me!
What are 3 things that are “must haves” for you when you site down to write a new book?
1. My notebook. I always jot down notes!
2. A cup of coffee in the morning and a can of diet coke in the afternoon or at night.
3. Alarm clock. A must have so I wouldn’t forget to pick-up my kids from school. 😀
What are your favorite things to do in your downtime?
Read. I always have a book within my reach.
Where can we purchase your books?
Kindle, Barnes and Noble, eXtasy Books, Cobblestone Press, Mobipocket, eReader. I think there are other places where you can purchase my book. 😀 Soon my new books will be available for purchase from Red Rose Publishing.
Do you have a blog or website that your readers can keep up with you and your books?
Yes. My website address is . I share a blog called Wicked Thorn and Roses with my fellow authors.
Thank you so much for being here! I read Wicked Proposal, and let me tell everyone, this book is HOT! HOT! HOT! You will definitely need a fan for this one. The characters come alive in this book! Tierney has the skill to make you feel like you are right there with the characters and the creativity to keep you entranced in the whole story with her writing. I easily gave this book 5 flames, not only for hotness, but for overall enjoyment of the book. Keep them coming Tierney! You have a new fan in me!

Outstanding Book! A definite favorite!
Hi 🙂
Thank you for having Tierney ‘O Malley here today & thanks to Tierney for sharing. I really enjoyed this interview.
Is Tierney on Twitter?
All the best,
Tierney O'Malley
Hi RKCharron,
Yes,I am on Twitter. 😀
Thank you so much for reading the interview and am glad you liked it.
J. Kaye
Great Q & A. I haven’t heard of this author before. 🙂
Tierney O'Malley
Hi Judith,
Glad you like the Q and A. I am a new author. Here is my website:
Hope to hear from you again.