The Awakening
The Darkest Powers #2
Author: Kelley Armstrong
Genre: Young Adult Paranormal
Source: Personal Purchase
ISBN: 9780061662768
(From Goodreads)
If you had met me a few weeks ago, you probably would have described me as an average teenage girl — someone normal. Now my life has changed forever and I’m as far away from normal as it gets. I’m a living science experiment — not only can I see ghosts, but I was genetically altered by a sinister organization call the Edison Group. What does that mean? For starters. I’m a teenage necromancer whose powers are out of control: I raise the dead without even trying. Trust me, that is not a power you want to have. Ever.
Now I’m running for my life with three of my supernatural friends – a chaming sorcerer, a cynical werewolf, and a disgruntled witch – and we have to find someone who can help us before the Edison Group finds us first. Or die trying.
After finishing the previous book titled The Summoning by Kelley Armstrong, I made sure to have The Awakening handy to continue on with the story. The Awakening picks up right were the previous book left off. Even though the first book wasn’t a favorite book of mine, I was still interested in seeing where the author would take the characters and what would happen to them next.
While The Awakening still had some slow parts that did become repetitive — ex. hide, run, chased, repeat — the book did have some questions answered and character development that was desperately needed. I can see Tori starting to open up a little more. Derek is lightning up and showing a softer side. Simon is still Simon and some small details are brought to light about him. Liz finally accepts what has happened to her. Chloe is getting stronger and her powers are also getting powerful.
Again there is a bunch of repeat actions and loose ends as well. I am a little disappointed that the questions are starting to out weigh the answers, but I guess that is a good thing to keep the reader interested until the final book. Obviously, everything can’t be revealed before then, but I do wish some things would start clearing up. The gang is also still looking for the boys’ Father in the hopes of him answering their questions.
I will keep reading the series in the hopes that the final book will finally answer my questions. While this is not one of my favorite series, I still have high hopes for it.

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