A Night Huntress Novel #5
Author: Jeaniene Frost
Source: Personal Purchase
Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages
Publisher: Avon (February 22, 2011)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0061783188
ISBN-13: 978-0061783180
Danger waits on both sides of the grave.
Half-vampire Cat Crawfield and her vampire husband Bones have fought for their lives, as well as for their relationship. But just when they’ve triumphed over the latest battle, Cat’s new and unexpected abilities threaten to upset a long-standing balance . . .
With the mysterious disappearance of vampires, rumors abound that a species war is brewing. A zealot is inciting tensions between the vampires and ghouls, and if these two powerful groups clash, innocent mortals could become collateral damage. Now Cat and Bones are forced to seek help from a dangerous “ally”—the ghoul queen of New Orleans herself. But the price of her assistance may prove more treacherous than even the threat of a supernatural war . . . to say nothing of the repercussions Cat never imagined.
Oh, Ms. Frost. How much do you love to tease us? I was looking forward to see how the author was going to create a new plot for us with her latest installment in the series. I am so glad it was worth the wait!
I loved the chemistry that we have grown to love between Cat and Bones! Can I get a shout out for Chapter 21? Sexy and hot are the first words that come to mind when reading that chapter even though I am sure there are stronger descriptive words for it. Seeing the pair connect and stay true to the nature of personality the author created for them was great.
The side characters were wonderful as well. I really wish the author would hurry and write Vlad’s book! I am in desperate need to see him have some happiness! I also loved how we got to see a softer side of Mencheres in this book. Kira has brought out his softer side and I love it! We also get to see more of Spade and Denise as well. I love how they are so protective of each other. Fabian, Dave, Tate, Don and even mentions of Juan were included in the story as well.
Not only is the romance, witty dialogue, favorite characters and action packed scenes included in this story, but we also deal with sadness and heartbreak for Cat. She finds out something is wrong with someone close to her and has to learn to let go of this person. What does happen to this person was beautifully written and I wanted to cry with their last thoughts.
While it wasn’t one of my favorites in the series, I still thought the author did a wonderful job of continuing the series for Cat and Bones. It was exactly what we needed at the right time. Now if we can just get her to write faster and produce even more stories!

Very Good! I would recommend this book! 4 STARS
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