We interrupt your reading for…..

June 29, 2010 Uncategorized 8


OMG! What was I thinking when I let my parents move me to this God Forsaken Desert long ago? I know, I didn’t have much choice when I was like 6 years old, but COME ON!  I just looked at the temp outside, and can you believe it is 105 in the freakin shade??!!  What makes it worse is the damn water pump in our swamp cooler just went out! So yeah, it feels like 115 in the house.  Hubby came home from work and fixed it thank goodness!

When people refer to Dry Heat and such, don’t listen! There is only one kind of heat—FREAKIN HOT!  That’s right! HOT!  It is so hot outside my house right now that when you take one step outside you have instant sweat and its hard to breathe.  I hate that all winter long I whine about the cold, and then in summer I whine about the heat.  But here in our Southern California town, we have 2 seasons.  Hot and Hotter. Anyone else feeling the summer yet?? Is it Winter time yet??? Whats worse are the kids are on summer break and wanting to sit on my lap to complain about the heat. HELLO? Get the hell out of my lap because you are making me hotter!! They want me to cook them food and I tell them to go get a sandwich! I am not freaking cooking in this heat!

Okay just had to vent…resume your blog hopping! LOL

8 Responses to “We interrupt your reading for…..”

  1. Jami

    “When people refer to Dry Heat and such, don’t listen! There is only one kind of heat—FREAKIN HOT!”

    LMAO! Sorry, cool wishes your way! Although in FL, there is not much to send you! 🙂

  2. My 5 Monkeys(Julie)

    I feel you pain and I’m a valley and totally hate my summers too. We have the hot and hotter too. But I’m closer to the mountains should I feel the need to cool off.

  3. Anna

    Ouch that is hot. But I do that too. I bitch in the winter and bitch in the summer. LOL! Right now it’s 70, but for most of the day it was 66 and windy.

  4. JenM

    I’ve lived in hot/humid and hot/dry and while it’s true that 90 degrees in hot/dry is not as bad as 90 in hot/humid, the problem is that most hot/dry places are never 90, they are 100+. At that point, there’s absolutely no difference. It’s just hot.

    As for me, I gave up all that heat nonsense and moved to San Francisco where it’s never much warmer than 70 or so.

  5. Book Junkie

    I have to say I am one of those who LOVE dry heat, I lived in Gainesville, FL. They don’t call it THE SWAMP for nothing. Talk about 100’s with 100% humidity. You end up stinking all day long in your own sweat as it pours out of your skin. Now that’s gross. Plus I have seriously curly hair, a.k.a The Fro. Not fun.

  6. Tiah

    I live in Phoenix so I totally understand your pain. This time of the year me and my kids become vampires and never leave the house until around 7 pm. I hate it.

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