Author: Amanda Scott
- Mass Market Paperback: 400 pages
- Publisher: Forever (January 4, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0446541346
- ISBN-13: 978-0446541343
A fair-haired beauty at 19, Lady Mairi is heiress apparent to her father Lord Dunwythie’s rich barony. He has carefully taught her how to manage their estates, but a feud between his clan and the Maxwell clan is brewing as the two families edge toward a clan war – their dispute over money owed. Mairi’s father believes he owes nothing, and of course Mairi sides with him.
When the impulsive and blue-eyed Rob Maxwell chances to meet Mairi in a barley field, they feel instant attraction, despite their families’ antagonisms. Knowing he must put his clan first, Rob enacts a plan to force Dunwythie to pay his debt: Rob kidnaps Mairi, making the abduction appear the work of a stranger; then he and his sheriff-brother offer to help Dunwythis rescue his daughter IF, and only if, he will pay them the monies due. Yet after Rob captures Mairi’s body, she captures his heart. When Dunwythie summons the aid of the most powerful clan in all Scotland (the Douglases), clan-tensions rise to a fever pitch. Love takes its own feverish course, as Mairi and Rob join forces to prevent a clash between hot-headed clans, and to protect their budding love.
Amanda Scott, best-selling author and winner of the Romance Writers of America’s RITA/Golden Medallion and The Romantic Times’ awards for Best Regency Author and Best Sensual Regency, began writing on a dare from her husband. She has sold every manuscript she has written. More than twenty-five of her books are set in the English Regency period (1810-1820), others are set in fifteenth-century England and sixteenth-and eighteenth-century Scotland. Three are contemporary romances. Amanda lives with her husband and son in northern California.
Hachette Books was kind enough to donate 5 copies of Seduced By A Rogue to 5 lucky followers of my blog! Here are the rules:
-Only residents of the U.S. or Canada are eligible to win
-No P.O. Boxes
-Please comment and leave your email address for me to contact you after the contest has ended.
-You must be a follower to enter.
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
I’m reading this RIGHT NOW! Good luck to everyone!
Hi Amy
Thank you for the opportunity to win!
What’s your Twittername?
I ask because I looked here & couldn’t find it & it would make it easier for me to promote your giveaways & posts.
Here’s to 2010!
Amy J - Book Addict
Sorry folks, I don’t have twitter! I am still figuring out the ins and outs of the blog world!
Hey Amy! You know when I get home this afternoon I will be pimping this one out!! And you can drop my name in the hat as well!!
Have a great day honey!
~You know where to reach me if you need help with blog world, lol~ Just sayin’!
Sounds great. I love the cover.
I am a follower.
Virginia C
Hi, Amy! Happy New Year! I’d love to win this book just so I could stare at the gorgeous cover : )
U.S. Resident & Google Friend Connect Follower
gcwhiskas at aol dot com
OhMyGoooodness!!! This sounds fantastic!! I love the whole historical romance to begin with but then the forbidden love part to add to it, *sigh* I found another book to fall in love with.
I’m a US resident, and a follower of your blog. (plus I won’t give you a PO Box address if you pick me!)
Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)
Amy, I LOVE LOVE LOVE your new blog header. You ARE addicted!
I would love to read this. I am a follower
throuthehaze at gmail dot com
cheryl c
This sounds like a great book. I like the cover, too. I am sure that he is looking right at ME!
castings at mindspring dot com
Scorpio M.
I’ve never read anything by Ms. Scott before, this book is right up my alley…I’ve been on a Scottish kick
I am a follower.
I have the first book,I would love to win this one.
plese count me in
I am a follower
Sandy Jay
Sounds great. I’d love to win this. I’m a follower.
forwhlz at gmail dot com
Cathy Ikeda
I’ve never read this author before and would love to try it out. I’m a follower
Please enter me in the giveaway.
I am a follower.
Mitzi H.
Anticipation!!! Can’t wait to read it!!!
I’m a follower on google friends
mitzihinkey at sbcglobal dot net
Please enter me!
Wow, this book sounds like a winner. Pls add my name to the hat.
I am an old follower…
misskallie2000 at yahoo dot com
I love historical romance. Please add me to the contest.
I’m a follower.
icewoman96 at gmail dot com
I love historical books! Pick me please! it would be such a great read!
Please enter me.
I am a follower.
mce1011 AT aol DOT com
Anita Yancey
Sounds like a super romance novel. One I would enjoy reading very much. Please enter me. Thanks!
I am a follower!
This sounds great! I’d love to read it, and I’m a new follower.
Love the cover! Please enter me.
I follow in GFC ~ megalon22 at yahoo dot com