May 14, 2010 Uncategorized 17

My Husband and I had some errands to run while we waited for it to get time to pick up the youngest from preschool.  We finished our errands and still had some time to kill.  The library wasn’t open yet, so my Husband wanted to know what we should go and do.  I had told him to just surprise me.  He ended up taking me to our local Goodwill in hopes of them having something new.  I noticed they had restocked the book section, and my Hubby told me to just go straight over there since I was drooling looking in that direction.  Look at the loot I got!!
These are all paperbacks. I already own a couple of them but at 50 cents each, I couldn’t pass on them. So I picked them up for weekly giveaways or to put on the sale page.
These are all hardback copies.  Again, I have some of them already, but it never hurts to set some aside for the weekly giveaway, for sale page, and twitter contests! Again they were only 50 cents each!
My hubby found these on the lower shelves for my oldest daughter.  For some reason she loves these manga books.  I have tried to read a few of them at her begging urging and just couldn’t figure out how to read them.  Hello! Since when do you read a book from the back to front?! Anyway, my hubby grabbed all of them we could find and picked them up for her.  Again, just 50 cents each!

After picking all these up, a couple binders I was needing, a few books for my youngest daughter, and I only spent $24.00!!!  Amazing!!! I love secondhand stores for books!

17 Responses to “CHECK OUT MY DEALS I FOUND!!!!”

  1. Meredith

    What a deal! Can you believe our Goodwill charges over a $1 for paperbacks and $3.46 for hardcovers?! For 3.46, I can get more up-to-date books and shop in the comfort of my home on paperbackswap!(credits are just a few cents more) I just couldn’t believe they wanted so much. And there weren’t even any notable books on the shelves–found those in a big bin at the front of the store that you’d have to dig through, and again, that’s just to much to dig!
    Anyways, I have an awesome thrift store I go to that charges 10% of the original price, and have even found books for 15 cents! (Yes, they were OLD!)I’ve also been yard saling more–found a sale with dime books last weekend and bought the lot, and it even had a book my son was interested in! (about 15 books)

  2. jedisakora

    Awesome. The Fruits Basket series is one of the best manga series out there. I’m sure your daughter will love them (specially Kyo ^o~)

  3. Julie P

    I love our local Goodwill and Salvation Army stores for the same reason–great deals!! Our stores are a lot more expensive though–paperbacks are $1.99 and hard covers are between $4 and $5……

    Of course, that doesn’t stop me from cleaning them out! Still a great deal compared to buying them brand new.

  4. Amber LaPointe

    Fruits Basket is an amazing series. I’ve read the whole lot. It’s also a TV series that you can purchase with English Dubbing (if she isn’t old enough to like subtitles yet).

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