Author: Tera Lynn Childs
Source: Library Loan
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Hardcover: 224 pages
- Publisher: Dutton Juvenile (June 11, 2009)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 0525421343
- ISBN-13: 978-0525421344
Phoebe, who recently discovered she’s a descendant of Nike (the goddess, not the shoe), is finding that supernatural powers come with a crazy learning curve. Her stepfather, headmaster of the Academy for descendants of the Greek gods, has enrolled her at Dynamotheos Development Camp—aka Goddess Boot Camp—with a bunch of ten-year-olds for the summer. Embarrassing as that is, hopefully it’ll help her gain control over her powers in time to pass the test of the gods, continue training hard enough to qualify for the Pythian Games, and enjoy her godly boyfriend, Griffin, all while avoiding the ultimate mistake of accidentally misusing powers.
After reading Oh.My.Gods I quickly started reading Goddess Boot Camp. It is the second book in the series and is written by one of my favorite authors for young adult books. I loved the first book in the series! The second book though just wasn’t as great as the first.
I still loved this book, so don’t get me wrong. I just felt it needed just a little bit more to it. I loved the witty dialogue that the author never fails to bring to the story. I loved each of the characters in the story as well. The only thing I didn’t like was I wanted to read about the trial of Phoebe’s Dad. It was a major part of the book, yet we never get to see it. It left me frustrated and hoping that this series will continue with another book that will go into that part of the story in more detail. There were plenty of laugh out loud moments and teen romance that is sweet. The book moved at a normal pace and included a lot of my favorite characters from the previous book.
While this is not my favorite book by this author, it still is a great book with great imagination. I do hope that the author will continue the story of Phoebe and let us see more glimpse’s of her relationship with her Father.

Very Good! I would recommend this book! 4 STARS
The Paperback Princess
This series has been on my reading list for soooo long! I can’t wait to read them! Thanks for the great review!!!!!
Dazzling Mage
I’ve only read the first book, and loved it. So yes, there is a desire to read the second! Sequels tend to not shine as much as the first book, but great review!
Btw, I have an award for you on my blog!
Sounds like an interesting series that I”ll definitely have to check out! Great review!