Harlequin Giveaway!!!

September 16, 2010 Uncategorized 26

Thanks to Harlequin, I have three copies of the following book to giveaway! That means 3 winners!

What’s a girl to do when she’s secretly in love with a friend and he’s married to someone else? She gets over it. That’s what Amy Parker has done. Rather than lose her best bud Quinn Whitfield with an ill-timed, crazy confession of affection, she’s taken the smart route. She’s eased away from him. Just enough to get past the unrequited bits. And you know, it’s working.

Until the day Quinn announces he’s now single. That’s right. He’s single. And he wants to hang out. With her.

Oh, this is so not good for Amy’s equilibrium. Daily doses of Quinn remind her of everything she loves about him. But if he’s free…and she’s free…well, maybe the time has come for one of those crazy confessions.  Get reconnected the way they used to be.

1. Contest is open to the USA only due to limited funds for me to ship to.  Sorry!
2. No need to be a follower, but it would be great if you were!
3. Just comment with your name and email address (for me to contact you if you win).

Contest ends 9/19/2010 and the winner will be announced the following day!  Thanks and spread the word!

26 Responses to “Harlequin Giveaway!!!”

  1. HistoricalRomanceJunkie Rita

    Awww, this book sounds just like me. (The whole backing away from the guy you want because there’s someone else. Then they break up and you can’t help hoping!) I SOOO need to read this book!

    Thanks Amy & Harlequin for the giveaway!

    email: historicalromancejunkie AT gmail DOT com

  2. JenM

    Don’t read very many categories, but I have read one of Sarah Mayberry’s and liked it. Please enter me.

    jen at delux dot com

  3. Witchy Woman

    Hi Amy,
    I’m a relatively new follower, please throw my wand into the contest. Categories…love them! Friends to lovers trope, I’m powerless to resist. 🙂

  4. joder

    This is one of my favorite themes so I’d love to win it. I also am a fan of Harlequin and love the quick and fun reads they provide.

    joderjo402 AT gmail DOT com

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