Hybrid by Angie Reed

September 22, 2009 Uncategorized 1


Author: Angie L. Reed

  • Paperback: 300 pages
  • Publisher: Argus Enterprises International; 1st edition (June 30, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0982305087
  • ISBN-13: 978-0982305089


In an attempt to escape the painful memory of her young sister Rose’s untimely and mysterious death, Emily and her altered family flee Dallas, Texas for the safety of small-town Beckley, West Virginia. Shortly after arriving, Emily falls for a handsome young man named Maxwell Snow. He’s perfect. Or so Emily thinks. And then the nightmares begin. Why is Rose haunting Emily inside her dreams? What is Rose trying to tell her? Perhaps Julian, Maxwell’s estranged twin holds the answers. Prepare as a “new” generation of vampires is discovered. These vampires could be friends, neighbors, or even family.


Hybrid is a story that is strangely familiar to Twilight in certain aspects. It has the teenage angst of school and first loves, family and school troubles, and amongst all of this, Mrs. Reed throws in the vampire aspect. This book is broke up into four parts. It took me until about part three to really start getting into this book. The first two parts involved Emily and her family moving to a different state and trying to give themselves a fresh start after the death of Emily’s youngest sister Rose. We see the family adjust to a new school and jobs, and the adjustment of new people in a town that is the complete opposite of their old town.

There is alot of teen talk and dialogue that seems to get jumbled all together. BUT, as you get to part three of the book, the story starts to take off and give you the mystery and suspense of the paranormal aspect. The story starts to flow much easier and starts to suck you into it. It gives you a cliff hanger that makes you want to contact the author and tell her to write faster on that second book!


A Good Book and Read!

One Response to “Hybrid by Angie Reed”

  1. Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)

    I haven’t heard of this one but there are certainly a ton of vampire like teen books these days.
    Thanks for the honest review. This helps when deciding which one to read cuz I am interested in the genre but get a little overwhelmed with the variety of selection.

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