August 8, 2010 IMM, In My Mailbox 14

In My Mailbox is hosted by The Story Siren
Believe it or not, this was a slow week for me. It doesn’t look like it according to the pictures, but most of them were all from one package.
These are from PaperBackSwap and from a game that I joined on there as well. I have been wanting His Eyes forever and I finally got it from the game after waiting for almost a year for it!
All of these were in one box and they came from my book fairy who knows how to spoil me!  It is like Christmas every single time I get a box!  My neighbors hear me squeal from down the street when I open my boxes from my awesome book fairy!
My wonderful and very thoughtful husband bought me Remember Me by Christopher Pike.  He remembered me telling him that I read these books as a teenager and loved them.  So he surprised me with it yesterday!
And yes, that gorgeous and wonderful ARC of Torment came from my Book Fairy as well! I almost passed out when I saw that book cover in my box!  Each time I look at it, I still get short of breath!
So what did everyone else get this week?

14 Responses to “IMM: IN MY MAILBOX”

  1. Khadija

    GAH!!! 0.0 so jelous of Torment!!!!

    Beautiful Dead and The Vampire Diaries, are both great series. Although i’ll be honest and admit i like Beautiful Dead more…

    Remember Me is such a great book 🙂

  2. Jenny N.

    Nice mailbox this week. I have Remember Me, its such a big book, it’ll probably take me over a week to read when I do decide to start it. Hope you enjoy all your books this week.

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