In My Mailbox this week!

August 30, 2009 Uncategorized 5

Here is what I found in my mailbox this week! Woo Hoo! I have plenty to read this week!

These are from Paper Back Swap! Thank you to all who sent these!

This is the book I won in a contest over at Blanche’s blog! Thanks!

I got these from FSB associates to read for review. I can’t wait to start these!

These are some books that I picked up at my local Goodwill. And just in case you haven’t tried getting books at your local thrift store, these were only 80cents each!!!

So what did everyone else get?? Now if my local library would open up! It is only open Tues, Wed, Thurs, and Sat. SoI have to wait until Tuesday to get my books that are on hold there!

Until next post…

5 Responses to “In My Mailbox this week!”

  1. Alayne

    Wow! I wish I could open my mailbox and have books pour out like that! 🙂


  2. Rachel Belle

    Hi, new to your blog. Looks great! (: I’ll definitely follow.

    Just wanted to say that I read Summer Lovin’ by Carly Philips. Definitely a good read, IMO. Hope you enjoy it!

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