Organizing Your Home Library: SHOW OFF TIME!

December 5, 2011 Organizing 0

The Reveal!
Hello my lovelies!  I hope everyone had a nice break for the holidays!  Did everyone have a chance to finish up your bookshelves and spreadsheets?  I hope so! Today is the reveal portion of the bookshelf organization feature.
Now that you have the shelves organized, spreadsheets updated and complete, and room to grow with new books for Christmas, it is time to let all of the readers drool at your pictures of your hard work!
Now, I have a confession.  Not only is my camera battery depleted, but my shelves are not ready for photos. I know, I should have had it done, but things were so hectic on my end that my photos will have to wait until next week.  I will dedicate the entire post to my finished project.
I do hope that you will share what you have done with us though and link up!
Share photos of your shelves, the creative ways you came up for organizing, and tips on how you did your spreadsheets!  So write up a post and share those photos!

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