Review & Excerpt: Evidence of Life by Barbara Taylor Sissel

April 19, 2013 4 flames, Fiction, Suspense 0

Evidence of Life
Author: Barbara Taylor Sissel

(From Goodreads)

On the last ordinary day of her life, Abby Bennett feels like the luckiest woman alive. But everyone knows that luck doesn’t last forever.

As her husband, Nick, and daughter, Lindsey, embark on a weekend camping trip to the Texas Hill Country, Abby looks forward to having some quiet time to herself. She braids Lindsey’s hair, reminds Nick to drive safely and kisses them both goodbye. For a brief moment, Abby thinks she has it all—a perfect marriage, a perfect life—until a devastating storm rips through the region, and her family vanishes without a trace.

When Nick and Lindsey are presumed dead, lost in the raging waters, Abby refuses to give up hope. Consumed by grief and clinging to her belief that her family is still alive, she sets out to find them. But as disturbing clues begin to surface, Abby realizes that the truth may be far more sinister than she imagined. Soon she finds herself caught in a current of lies that threaten to unhinge her and challenge everything she once believed about her marriage and family.

That cover sums this book up for this reader.  Mysterious, suspenseful and determination all in one package of a book. As not a regular reader of mystery/suspense unless it falls within the romance genre, I was pleasantly surprised by this book in the woman’s mystery fiction world.  I found myself really getting into the story and not wanting to put it down.
After Abbey’s family goes missing after a storm, they are presumed dead.  While it can’t be proven, there is always that 1 percent of hope that they are actually alive.  We read about how Abbey has to deal with not knowing and wondering what really happened. While she struggles with finding the answers she needs, the reader also discovers along with Abbey that not everything was as perfect as she thought.  
I really felt for Abbey in this book and wanted to help her figure out the mystery as well.  While it was a little predictable in most of the story, the suspense was enough to keep me interested until the last page.  Not a bad book in my eyes considering I don’t usually read these types of fiction.  I am definitely going to keep this author on my radar for future reads!
Very Good! I would recommend this book!
Abby made a face. Lindsey never passed up an opportunity to remind her parents that she was the better student, the orderly, more agreeable child. “I thought you were going to play pro basketball overseas, travel the world.”
                “Is there a reason I can’t do both?”
                “Nope. You, my darling daughter, can do anything you set your mind to, just like your brother.” Abby ran her fingers lightly down the length of Lindsey’s braid.
“If only I could stay home like my brother.”
“Your daddy has gone to a lot of trouble to plan this trip so he can spend time with you.”
“I know. I just wish it wasn’t this weekend.”
“There are worse sacrifices,” Abby said blithely.
“I have finals next month too. And don’t say it’s not the same.”
“Okay, I won’t.” Abby centered the griddle over the burner.
“will you set the table and call your dad? The French toast’ll be done in a minute.” She could feel Lindsey considering whether or not to push.
Please don’t. It was a prayer, a wish, yet one more in the sea of mundane moments from that morning that would return to mock her. To ask her: How could you? Because she would remember that Lindsey hadn’t pushed; she’d set the table and left the kitchen without another word.
“What about jackets?” Abby followed her husband and daughter through the back door, onto the driveway. Although it was April, it was still chilly, and it would be colder where they were going.
Colder than home.
“It’s supposed to rain,” she said. “Maybe you guys should take your boots.”

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