Author: Bree Despain
Source: Library
- Reading level: Young Adult
- Hardcover: 384 pages
- Publisher: EgmontUSA (December 22, 2009)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1606840576
- ISBN-13: 978-1606840573
Grace Divine, daughter of the local pastor, always knew something terrible happened the night Daniel Kalbi disappeared–the night she found her brother Jude collapsed on the porch, covered in his own blood–but she has no idea what a truly monstrous secret that night held.
The memories her family has tried to bury resurface when Daniel returns, three years later, and enrolls in Grace and Jude’s high school. Despite promising Jude she’ll stay away, Grace cannot deny her attraction to Daniel’s shocking artistic abilities, his way of getting her to look at the world from new angles, and the strange, hungry glint in his eyes.
The closer Grace gets to Daniel, the more she jeopardizes her life, as her actions stir resentment in Jude and drive him to embrace the ancient evil Daniel unleashed that horrific night. Grace must discover the truth behind the boy’s dark secret…and the cure that can save the ones she loves. But she may have to lay down the ultimate sacrifice to do it–her soul.
OH..MY..GOD! This book definitely lives up to all the great reviews I have read on other blogs. First of all, look at the cover! It is so simplistic, yet as you read the book, it makes perfect sense. Of course, purple is my favorite color as well!
Then when you start to read the book, after drooling at the wonderful cover, you find the writing and the story to be just as beautiful as well. Grace was strong, Jude was caring yet confusing and Daniel was just….Daniel. The suspense just about killed me throughout this book. Just when you think you figure it all out, the author throws you for a loop and leaves you questioning yourself. You start thinking along a different path, and then the author throws you right back to where you started! The romance is wonderfully written without a lot of sappy teen talk, but it also stays on path without getting steamy.
Overall, I loved this book! It was hard to put down and I wanted to read it again as soon as I finished it! The author has taken a bit bite out of the competition and left her mark on the young adult scene with this book. All I can hope for is that she will follow up this book with another great sequel! Well done Ms. Despain and keep it coming!

Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My BookshelfFor Rereading!
I love your review; that’s exactly how I felt about the book too. It’s amazing!!
My 5 Monkeys(Julie)
i loved this book too