Author: John West
Source: Counterpoint Press
*I received this book free of charge in exchange for an honest review*
- Paperback: 272 pages
- Publisher: Counterpoint; Reprint edition (January 5, 2010)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 158243557X
- ISBN-13: 978-1582435572
A husband and wife are gravely ill. Rather than living in pain, they choose to end their lives, and they turn to their son for help. Despite the legal risks and emotional turmoil it is sure to cause him, he agrees—and ultimately performs an act of love more difficult than any other. The Last Goodnights provides a unique and unflinching look deep inside the reality of one of the most galvanizing issues of our time: assisted suicide. Told with bare honesty, John West’s account of the deaths of two brave people is both gritty and loving, frightening and illuminating. It also offers a powerful testament to the act of death by choice, and reveals all the reasons why end-of-life issues are far too personal for government intrusion. Intimately told, The Last Goodnights points out the unnecessary pain and suffering that is often forced upon dying people and their families, and honors the choice to live or die with purpose and dignity. In the end, this story is not just about death—it is also about love, courage, and autonomy.
I just knew that when I read the blurb for this book I would need the kleenex box at easy reach. This book will tug at your heart and pose the questions in your mind of what would you do? When the author sucks you into this book with just the foreward section at the beginning, you know you are in for a bumpy ride of a book. You will feel all sorts of emotions come out as you read. I went through anger, sadness, hopelessness, and relief throughout the story. This was a book that I just did not want to put down. I wanted to finish it so my emotions could get back in check and quit the roller coaster ride of it. It is a serious subject that was put into writing and a book that will open your mind to the situation portrayed.

Very Good! Worth Spending Your Money on!
Cleverly Inked
Rollercoaster books are always the best
This book would be great to read if you are feeling stressful and really need to release your feelings. A good cry will cure anything is what I have been told.
Great review.