The Well-Behaved Child by John Rosemond

September 26, 2009 Uncategorized 2

John Rosemond

  • Hardcover: 272 pages
  • Publisher: Thomas Nelson (October 13, 2009)
  • Language: English
  • ISBN-10: 0785229043
  • ISBN-13: 978-0785229049


A parenting workshop in a book!

The biggest frustration felt by today’s parents is in the area of discipline. Family psychologist, best-selling author, and parenting expert John Rosemond uses his thirty-six years of professional experience working with families to develop the quintessential “how to” book for parents. Rosemond’s step-by-step program, based on biblical principles, traditional parenting approaches, and common sense, covers a wide range of discipline problems applicable to children from toddler to teen.

Sections include:

  • Essential Discipline Principles
  • Essential Discipline Tools
  • Perplexing Problems and Simple Solutions
  • Not Your Everyday Problems
  • General Questions and Answers (Troubleshooting)

Filled with real-life examples that anyone who’s ever been around children can relate to, this book is sure to be one of the most valuable, helpful resources parents have ever stumbled across.


I admit it. I have a 4 year old that is a problem child. She could scare Super Nanny away within 5 minutes! I have searched high and low for a book that would help me get her under control. After reading this book, I am still looking. Every suggestion in this book are ones that I have already tried and have already failed. This book just puts a new spin on the current methods that are already out there. This book would be great for a new parent of an infant to help them have a guide to start with, but since I didn’t get to have this book from the beginning, I find myself still searching for the one thing that will work for me. Maybe these techniques can work for your child, so don’t be afraid to try this book! Maybe I just have a stubborn child who refuses to listen to her mom!


A Decent Read

2 Responses to “The Well-Behaved Child by John Rosemond”

  1. Christy Pinheiro, EA ABA

    Hey Amy; great review. I have a son who is a big handful too. Did you try a diet change? It’s really helped my son’s behavior. He is much, much better, and I rarely get a tantrum. He used to have a screaming tantrum every afternoon at 4PM. I stopped giving him juice, ice cream, or anything with refined sugar. I give him a cut up apple (instead of apple juice) and water or sometimes milk. I’m really careful about the food I give him; no artificial colorants or food additives, either– which can also affect a child’s behavior. I read about it in: The Unhealthy Truth: How Our Food Is Making Us Sick.

    I grew up with my mom making mostly home-cooked meals and I don’t ever remember eating candy or food in packages (like Twinkies), except on special occasions, like Holloween. I think that it’s affecting more than just our waistlines!

  2. Emily

    I’m a licensed teacher with a class of three and four year olds and I can definitely say that behavior is something that lot of people struggle with- definitely don’t give up and seek out a lot of different opinions. I’ve found that a lot of books aren’t as helpful as they mean to be, just because everyone is different and what works with one child won’t necessarily work with another. Keep trying and good luck though!

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