Top Ten Tuesday: Top 10 Bookish Confessions

August 28, 2012 Top Ten Tuesday 0

Top Ten Tuesday
 is hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each Tuesday features a different topic and you post your top ten list related to the topic.

This weeks topic is Top Ten Bookish Confessions.

1. Ear Dogging those pages makes me want to howl in frustration.
No matter what you do, please do not fold those corners over in those pretty babies!  If I see you do it I will dig through my purse or under my seat for a piece of paper just so you won’t do this.  I would even rip a sleeve off my shirt to tear into strips for you to use. Talk about sharing the shirt off my back for reading!

2. Most of my books come from friends or used book stores.
Now this isn’t because I don’t want to spend money or that I am cheap!  I simply just don’t have a good book store in my town.  The only place you can purchase books in person in my town is a Kmart.  They never have new releases on the shelves until months later and it is very frustrating.  Sure I could buy online but where is the instant gratification with that?  So I don’t get to have the new releases right away. I wait for my friends to pass theirs on or look in the used book store.

3. RIP Borders. 
I still cry over this.  If I went to the next town over (a 40 minute drive), I always stopped by there.  Plus my best memory is from Borders.  (see the next number)

4.  I have only met two authors. TWO.  They usually do signings 3 hours south of me, but I can’t afford the gas nor do I have the time to make the drive.  My first author signing was at Borders with Alyson Noel.  The other author I met at another book store and it was TK Richardson.

5.  I will dig through the second hand stores for books that might be signed.  I have found 5 books so far at our local Goodwill that have been signed copies that people have gotten rid of.  Do you not understand how much this irks me?!  If an author takes the time to sign a book, people should take the time to put them on their shelves.

6. I have a plastic bin full of author bookmarks and goodies. 
I am slowly making scrapbooks for all of them, but with three kids it is a slow process.

7.  I will power through 5 books in a weekend, but it takes me almost 2 weeks sometimes to go over my notes and write the review.  This is something I am trying to work on.  Honest. 

8.  I carry a book with me constantly.
I buy purses big enough to at least hold a paperback book.  I take them with me everywhere! Every room in my house has one.  (and yes, even the bathroom)

9. If I see someone in a store browsing books and I have read the one they are looking at,  I will tell them if it is worth the price or not.  Yep. I am even a book pusher in person people. Be warned.

10.  In my library at this moment, I own close to 2000 books.  They are stuffed in shelves.  They are making my shelves sag. I am not ashamed. Some people collect shoes and such. I collect books. 

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