Understanding My Rating System

October 20, 2009 Rating policy 5

I don’t know about some of you, but I find it hard how to use the ratings. Below is my rating system and a little description for each one. Hopefully this can clear up some of the confusion and if anyone has any other ideas on how to make the ratings better, let me know. I am still learning things as I go so all input is good input for me!

5 FLAMES-Outstanding Book That Will Stay On My Bookshelf For Rereading!

This rating is the top rating a book can get. If I enjoy a book so much I will make it a nice little home on my bookshelf. I have one bookshelf set aside for books that I plan on keeping until my hubby puts me in the ground. These are books that if for some reason I have no books in my TBR pile (OMG!), then I will pick these to reread again and again.

4 FLAMES-Very Good! Worth Spending Your Money on!

Ah, the 4 flamer. This rating is for books that I really enjoyed and I would definitely spend my money on. Whether if it is a book for me or for a gift, its worth owning, but not necessarily something I would reread first. Not a waste of money, but not one I would tuck in at night like my 5 flamers. LOL

3 FLAMES-A Good Book and Read! Perfect For Rainy Days From the Library!

If a book receives 3 flames then it means that it was a book that I enjoyed, but not enough to run out and spend what little money I do have. This is one that I would recommend borrowing from the Library and get a feel of the author’s work before purchasing this book.

2 FLAMES-A Decent Read. Has Some Drawbacks Though.

If a book gets 2 flames then be wary of it. I hate using 2 flames because it means there were a lot of draw backs to it that I didn’t like. These are books that I had to force myself to finish reading just because I am stubborn and want to see the ending after all.

1 FLAME- DNF:I did not enjoy this book.

If you see this rating, run, don’t walk to get away from this book. LOL. This means there were so many problems with this book that I couldn’t even finish it all the way. This rarely happens for me. Sometimes it does and I want to warn others about it.

I hope this clears some things up. I value everyones opinion on books. Please though, if there is a book you have been wanting to read, and my rating scares you from reading it, DON”T LET IT! This is only my opinion of a book. Yours might be completely different! If anyone has any ideas on making my rating system better just let me know!

5 Responses to “Understanding My Rating System”

  1. Michelle (Red Headed Book Child)

    This is good info. I’ve been thinking of explaining it as well, though I don’t know if a rating really matters just as long as the review is written well enough to explain your opinion. So I am torn with the whole rating thing.
    I try to keep it simple, write what I liked and didn’t like.

  2. J. Kaye

    Great system! Ratings are the icky part of reviewing for me. Too subjective. I also have to remember to sort of include the explanation when I write the review…and I’ve been known to forget…often. 😉


    Amy, I like your system and I like reading your reviews. I reply more on your words than on numbers…but that is just me right now…I don’t want to “grade” people. I know i should have rebelled in college but some of us are slow to reacting.

  4. SozinTara

    I am thinking of a rating system on my blog, not like yours but I commend you for a very bright idea. I review books but can’t seem to figure out a good rating system and one that looks as good as the layout of this blog too!

    Thanks for providing us with honest opinions on books 🙂

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